Annual Pass buying or renewing returns July 15th

Annual Passes allowing purchases & renewals – July 15th

Annual Passes Disneyland ParisWe are happy to see Disneyland Paris have announced the return of Annual Passes sales & renewals beginning on July 15th 2021. This will come as a great relief to those going soon wishing to purchase an Annual Pass but also to those who simply want to renew their membership for another 12 months.

There have been some major changes (caused by Covid) this past year which has no doubt led to the decision by Disney to require guests to reserve their park day visits in advance. This affected Annual Pass holders with the ruling that you could only book a maximum of 3 days entry to the parks at any one time. Once you have completed day 1 of your stay then you book an extra day & so on.

Disney have rewarded the loyalty of Annual Pass holders with a BONUS 60 days added to their pass automatically. This is of course on top of the added days in which Disneyland Paris was closed due to the pandemic.

If you are looking to buy a Disneyland Paris Annual Pass you can view all of the details around levels of pass, how much they cost & what benefits you get on our Annual Pass page.


Need to cancel your Annual Pass?

We know a number of Annual Pass holders who, for whatever reason, were hugely affected by the pandemic & no longer wished to continue their Annual Pass membership. Disney have agreed to reimburse anyone who wishes to cancel their Annual Pass for a full refund on a pro-rata basis. Excellent Disney customer service as usual!

For all refund requests, please fill in and validate the dedicated form at: .com/en-gb/forms/annual-pass-refund.
Cancellation requests will be accepted through August 8th, 2021 included(4).